An interview with Isabelle…


Thank you for the tag Rachael over at L-Plate mummy.

This is a fun Q&A meme where I ask Isabelle a set of questions and share her answers with you all, so here we go… 

1. What is something mummy always says to you?

 I love you!

2. What makes mummy happy?

My hugs!

3. What makes mummy sad? 

When me and my sister start arguing with each other.

4. How does mummy make you laugh?

When she becomes a tickle monster.

5. What was mummy like as a child?

Granddad always tells me she was a good little girl who liked to be independent, like me!

6. How old is mummy?

Twenty-seven, but she is still so small.

7. How tall is mummy?

15cm long – whilst she measures me with her hands.

8. What is mummy’s favourite thing to do?

Running is her new hobby.

9. What does mummy do when you’re not around?

Working on her laptop, probably blogging.

10. If mummy was famous what would it be for?

Running a marathon – Lol I don’t think I could manage it.

11. What is mummy good at?

Winning us prizes.

12. What is mummy not very good at?

Gymnastics – No idea why that popped into her head!

13. What does mummy do for her job?

She is busy being a lovely mummy to me and Scarlett.

14. What is mummy’s favourite food?

Let’s see, chocolate and….ummm!

15. What makes you proud of mummy?

When she comes and plays outside with us.

16. If mummy was a cartoon, what would it be?

A princess.

17. What do you and mummy do together?

We bake lots and lots of cakes.

18. How are you and mummy the same?

I have got high heels just like hers – Lol no she hasn’t! She likes to take mine when i’m not looking.

19. How are you and mummy different?

I have blonde hair, mummy doesn’t.

20. How do you know mummy loves you?

I get big hugs and kisses from her and she is so proud of me when I bring certificates home from school.

21. What does mummy like most about daddy?

Cuddles and his cheeky grin.

22. Where is mummy’s favourite place to go?

My mum loves everything Disney. She is always looking a places to go in Florida and says we are going to visit in two years.

This was a great interview and insight in to Isabelle’s mind. 

I would love to see Jaime over at The Olivers Madhouse and Kim over at Northumberland Mam get involved and anyone else who would like to take part in this fun Q&A’s memo. 


  1. Great answers… If you limber up now, you might be in time for gymnastics at Rio Olympics 😉


  2. Snap! I love Florida too, I am constantly looking for cheap deals. We are hoping to go back next year, just need to start saving now. 🙂 Isabelle’s answers are so cute, it’s funny to look at things from a their perspective. 🙂


  3. What lovely answers 🙂 x



  1. […] An interview with Isabelle, where I asked her a series of questions mostly about me. […]


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